1. 组织,然后变得有组织. Part of any business’s success is determined by how organized their marketing plan is. 头脑风暴, 创建待办事项清单, 电梯游说,对你的目标市场进行研究,这样你就可以根据客户的需求调整你的策略. Know what you want to tell potential customers about your business, 作为研究的一部分,探索不同的媒体渠道,以确定哪个平台最适合你.

2. 建立一个网站. We can’t tell you how important it is to have a great looking website that is also functional. 现在人人都上网. 在创建网站时,请确保这一点, 您可以针对桌面和移动设备对其进行优化, as most people are completing searches and shopping from their mobile devices.

3. 利用社交媒体. 这也是一个需要考虑的重要因素. The majority of web traffic is occurring on social media. 人们在购买你的商品之前,会向他们的朋友、家人和评论寻求帮助. 社交媒体给了你一个独特的机会来传播你的品牌信息,创造嗡嗡声和参与,这样你就可以做更多的销售. 另一个好处是它是免费的!

4. 建立和索赔您的业务在线. 有几种方法可以做到这一点. Yelp offers this feature, as well as 脸谱网 and others. 十大电子游戏平台你的业务的信息可以来自任何地方——难道你不想成为控制客户信息的人吗?

5. 建立本地意识. This could be by attending networking events, 贸易展览, joining business associations or the Chamber of Commerce in your city, as well as participating in and attending vendor events. 与你所在行业的其他企业主交谈,看看他们在做什么,什么对他们有用. 一旦你有了一些想法, 然后,你可以找出自己独特的销售主张和其他营销策略,这样你的小企业就可以成功.

6. 提供免费产品或十大赌博正规平台在线的优惠券, such as a “try before you buy” campaign and generate excitement amongst customers. 这有助于你建立和留住客户, 因为这样做的风险更小,这给了你一个绝佳的机会向他们展示你的技能, 十大赌博正规平台在线, products and begin to build that relationship and trust with your target market. Oh, and another thing—doing this gives you the chance to talk with customers and ask for reviews, which will bolster up your position and credibility as a legitimate business.

7. 做广告. 制作名片、传单、标志等. 让你的客户知道为什么他们应该选择你,为什么你是最能满足客户需求的公司.

8. Last but not least, ask yourself, “What’s in it for me?” 通过像顾客一样思考, it can help you formulate ways to bring people to your brand, 通过保持你的内容相关, 有帮助的, 对你的顾客来说也很有趣.

需要一些营销帮助? 这里是顶峰营销集团, 我们是一家提供全方位十大赌博正规平台在线的营销机构,可以通过我们的十大赌博正规平台在线帮助您实现您的商业目标. 我们提供设计, 标志, 名片, 文案十大赌博正规平台在线, 社交媒体管理, website creation 十大赌博正规平台在线 and maintenance and more! 要了解我们的十大赌博正规平台在线点击这里.